Sunday, August 31, 2008


"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy."
- Thich Nhat Hanh
This quote reminds me of a professor I had in junior college. He was an elderly, short, stout man, with white hair and a pot belly. He always wore a white dress shirt and black slacks, yet always managed to look disheveled. To say he was out of touch with the modern education system would be an understatement. For example, one day he had us practice our penmanship - something I had not done since grade school. Despite all this, he taught me one of the most valuable lessons I have ever learned. He told our class that if we were ever upset or in a bad mood we should skip. That's right, skip (that thing you used to do when you were a child whenever walking became far too boring). "It's impossible to skip without smiling!" he said. Later that week I decided to put skipping to the test. And... he was right! It's really not possible to skip without smiling. It's an instant mood booster and has the strange effect of putting your troubles into perspective. I have since passed on this wisdom of skipping to several friends, who have all confirmed its effects. However, if skipping just isn't your style (after all, someone is bound to notice an adult skipping down the street, which to my mind is half the fun), why not try Thich Nhat Hanh's method and just smile?! It could very well be the source of your joy.


Lisa Christine said...

Welcome to the blogging Sister Bear! You will enrich the cyber world in a great way! If this first post is any indication of things to come than we are in for a real treat. So uplifting, so positive, so inspirational. I will skip today....maybe....

Stephanie said...

Hello and welcome to the blogging world. I think I'll skip all week.
Havea grea day.

SuzanSayz said...

Excellent first Post Jennifer! I will be your new blog buddy #3. I hope to see your unique comments on my blog now too.I'm sure you are going to add such a fresh new perspective to our little corner of the blogosphere. Good thoughts!
Love Susan

Kristen said...

Welcome to the blog world. I'm Lisa's friend. Your post was fun to read. Just picturing myself skipping made me smile. :o)

Anonymous said...

Love your pretty background.
I buy blueberries in bulk too. They're my fav!

Yasmine said...

Jennifer! I hope you don't mind if I add your link to my blog so I can get my dose of your zen every day. I love your quotes and the health tip. And hopefully I can keep up with your adventures first hand instead of hearing about them later from Lisa!

Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Hi there! I fully enjoyed meeting you this weekend. This is a great first post - tomorrow I will skip!

Oh and if you ever get over to the west side of Washington State (Tacoma) we have a community park that is full of blueberry plants that are bursting with yummy berries, and they are free for the pickin'.

Hope your drive home was a good one!

The Donald said...

I think that I will skip to the park with the girls when we head over there to go fly a kite.

Up to the highest heights.