Thursday, September 4, 2008

Made of Maize

I was watching TV yesterday and was horrified to see not one but two commercials promoting high fructose corn syrup! This is perhaps the most perverse thing I've ever seen on television. The commercials went on to explain that high fructose corn syrup is made from corn (true) and like sugar, is OK in moderation.
Let's get a few things straight: NO amount of high fructose corn syrup is OK to consume, and NO it is not like sugar. Sugar is a natural product, whereas HFCS is not. When is the last time you peeled the husk of a corncob and found syrup? Also, HFCS is in everything these days; even bread! So how can anyone who isn't reading labels eat it in moderation?
This latest campaign to promote HFCS is an outrage and should be pulled from the airwaves. America doesn't need anymore misconceptions on food - we're overweight and unhealthy enough as it is.
So I beg you, if you see this commercial, please disregard it. Then, walk to your kitchen, find a beautiful piece of ripe fruit and take a satisfying bite. Enjoy the desserts that Mother Nature provided.


SuzanSayz said...

I thought I had caught a commercial like that. I was only barely paying any attention and it seemed like a commercial was on praising corn syrup. I thought I just must have misheard what was being said. Guess the high fructose people must be feeling pretty threatend these days.

Lisa Christine said...

Oh no! I know how passionate you are in the fight against HFCS! Thanks to you I have started looking on labels for it. And you'll be pleased to know that the 'Franz' brand bread that we buy does not have it as an ingredient. Neither does the Tillamook yogurt.

How did your cookies turn out? I hadn't used that recipe in a while.

Your sleeping bag did arrive.

David's present has not (as of a few hours ago)

Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

I couldn't agree with you more. I saw that very commecial the other day too and said what! WHAT?!?! are they kidding? And of course it was the typical " the guy in the realtionship is a total bafoon and the women knows best, so eat the poision scenario".... sad.
I am going to go drown my sorrows in a juicy pluot!